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Let me introduce myself. My name is Scott McNay and I serve as pastor here. 


In the average week, my work around the church includes visiting the sick, meeting with those that need encouragement and direction, and studying for sermons or bible studies.


When I am not in the office or out on visitation, my day is a lot like yours. I love every moment I get with my wife and four kids. I enjoy working in the yard (at least through June), putting out a garden and grilling red meat. If you drive by and the garage door is up, I'm probably refinishing a woodworking project or tinkering on my '67 AMC Ambassador.


If I can be of any help as you discern God's plan for your life please let me know. God has put us together in this community to be more than neighbors, but brothers and sisters in Jesus. I hope you come and join us at La Plata Christian Church for worship.

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Hey everyone! My name is Tyler Hanson and I’m the Kids/Youth Pastor here at La Plata Christian Church.

I’ve been serving here at this church since 2018, even before I graduated college, having majored in Philosophy and Religion. In my typical week, you can find me preparing stories and messages that connect and resonate with both kindergartners and seniors respectively. You can also catch me preparing our worship live stream, monitoring our social media accounts, and attending various extracurricular activities that our kids/teens are involved in.

When I’m not doing “church work”, you could find me doing any number of things. Some of my current hobbies include writing poetry/songs, listening to audiobooks/podcasts, playing tennis, spending time with close friends, or simply enjoying God’s creation, whether that’s camping on a beach in Hawaii or taking a long walk around La Plata.

If I can ever be of help to you or those you look after, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Having been raised in a family that put a high value on spiritual development and direction, I can personally attest to the importance of discipleship between generations. Without the guidance of the Sunday school teachers, youth ministers, and pastors that I had in my younger years, I simply wouldn’t be who I am today as a man of faith. As a result, I strive to be who I had; a spiritual role model who genuinely cares about the next generation of the church.


  • In 1868, 45 charter members established our congregation.

  • The first one-room building was completed in the spring of 1869.

  • During 1958, the congregation began using a functional committee approach, establishing one board of elders, deacons, and chairpersons of committees, creating greater participation of the entire membership in the ministry of the church.

  • The present building was dedicated on February 27, 1966.

  • Our congregation has traditionally supported and still supports missionary and benevolent work.

  • From 1993 to 2008, our church sent teams of youth and adult sponsors to work in mission fields within the United States.

  • On August 25, 2002, the congregation of LaPlata Christian Church voted by an overwhelming majority to no longer be associated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

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